About Us
What we do in Mentoring Club
We carry out interactive sessions - sports and game session - as well as providing academic help for the students who are enrolled in the mentoring scheme by their schools.
-Zhangde Primary School
-Family Service Center
-Baptist Student Care Center
We, as mentors, do not solely give free tuition, neither do we solely counsel the students. The difference between tutoring and mentoring is that while tutoring emphasizes greatly on helping the student in getting better academic results, mentoring emphasizes character development above all else. Our job as mentors is to grow and progress along with our mentees, be their big brother or sister, someone other than their family or teachers.
Now, in SP BP Mentoring Club, we have 1 primary school for our mentoring sessions.
Zhangde Primary School
On 30th Dec 2004, Zhangde Primary School moved to its new location at 51 Jalan Membina. Zhangde Primary School was previously at Jalan Bukit Merah.
Queenstown Family Service Centre (FSC)
FSC is a different mentoring school from the rest we're currently undertaking. It functions on a daily basis
(mentors only need to select 1 day to mentor) at 4.30pm - 6pm & the children comes from Primary 1 to Primary 6. It's 5 minutes walk away from Commonwealth MRT station!
Rules and regulations
1. Attire:
- No revealing clothing and slippers are allowed
- Shorts or skirt must not be shorter then one palm above the knee
2. Conduct and Behaviour:
- Be Punctual for all mentoring sessions
- No written, verbal or any other forms of acts of vulgarities and violence
- Set a good example for the mentees to promote character development
- Be firm and instill discipline in the mentees
- Listen and act according to the instructions given by the School Coordinators / 10th Management Committee Members
- Inform the School Coordinators when the mentees need any toilet breaks
- Inform the School Coordinators of any arising issues pertaining to the mentees
- Contribute feedback or suggestions to School Coordinators during Debrief Session
- Do not give out personal information to the mentees (E.g.: HP number, e-mail, etc.)
- Not to cause the club to get any demerit points
3. Attendance:
To maintain a 75% and above attendance rate.
4. Absence from Mentoring Session:
To inform your respective School Coordinators through email/SMS at least one day before the mentoring session.
Those who do not follow the above stated rules and regulations will be counseled by the 10th Management Committee and/or by our Officer-In-Charge. Depending on the seriousness of the offence committed, mentor may not be given any chance to participate in any of the mentoring sessions or events in the future.