Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Recycling Outreach Programme Banner! ~
Hey mentors!
In case you don't know.
Recycling Outreach Programme is a collaborative effort between SP BP Mentoring Club & SP Environment Club!
If you haven't sign up!
Get to know fellow mentors from other schools as well as NEW FRIENDS from Environment Club!
Our treasurer, Hui Xian will be at the clubhouse from 9am to 2pm tomorrow (31st October 2007, Wednesday) to collect indemnity forms & $2!
Do come down!
3:28 AM )
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Recycling Outreach Programme ~
We have to interrupt you guys for an outbreaking news!
That's right!
The 7th Management Committee presents
Do your part for Mother Nature!
Teach your mentees about saving the world!
Join us at this funky event especially when it's so close to school!
We'll be collecting items around Dover so no worries!
You won't get lost! :D
Bring along indemnity form + $2 on the event itself!
8.45am @ Mac Area!& no worries -
Lunch will be provided! :D& lunch is
satisfaction guaranteed!(if lunch is no good - we're sorry to say no money back :D)Jokes aside!
Do join us!
If you have any doubts, feel free to email us at!
Cya all there!
(indemnity forms are avail for download under DOWNLOADS section)
5:32 AM )
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Shirt Sizes ~
Hey guys!
We're printing the new club tee soon!
Do reply to your
school coordinators regarding your shirt sizes OR to our
official email spbpmentoring@gmail.comPlease do indicate:
1. Your Name
2. Your Admin No.3. Your Contact No.4. Your Shirt Size
5. Your Mentoring School (Most Important!)A minimal amount of
BELOW $5 will be collected for the shirts.
We'll let you guys know after the budget's been worked out!
Rest assured it will be less than $5 :)
Do let us know soon so you can have the clubtee soon too! :D
10:16 PM )
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Last Call! ~
Here's the last call for our Inter-Active Camp!
The last submission is
Date: 16 October 2007 (Tuesday)
Venue: Clubhouse FC526
Time: 10am to 5.30pm
If you are unable to pay on that day or need other arrangements, please e-mail us & we will get our treasurer to make an appointment for you :)
& this camp is open to all interested students of Singapore Polytechnic!
It doesn't matter if you are a mentor or not!
As long as you're a SP student & interested in joining our club!
Come join us!
& a gentle reminder, all campers/helpers are required to hand in
1. Indemnity Form
2. Camp fee $6
& in case you have not attended our camp briefing on Friday, here's the packing list!
Packing List!
& the clubtee poll is closed!
The winning design goes to Design B & Design D!
Cya all at camp!
5:37 PM )
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Club Tee Poll! ~
Here's the final designs we have for our future club tee!
Play a part in the birth of our new club tee!
Poll will end on October 8 2007, Monday @ 6pm! :D
A closer look of the designs are available!
There are links below the polls :D